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Paper Mat for Feeding
21世紀に入り、ますます産業の高度化、複雑化が進んでおります。 私たちエムエフ株式会社では、昨今の人口増加の食糧不足に備え、とりわけ養鶏分野の畜産資材の開発に取り組んでおります。 ひよこの発育の促進、安心できる商品をご提供しております。 生産者様の為、養鶏業界のため、社会の為に生産性の向上と安全・安心な畜産物の生産に貢献できるよう『よいものづくり』を基本にこれからも取り組み、次世代を担う子供たちの為に、安心できる食品づくりを陰ながら応援させて頂きます。
Entering the 21st century, the sophistication and complexity of industries have increased even further. MF Co., LTD. is undertaking development of livestock materials for the poultry farming sector in particular, in order to prepare for the shortage of food in accordance with the recent increase in population . We provide reliable products for the promotion of growth of chicks. We continuously strive to contribute to the improvement in the productivity, safety and security of livestock products for the benefit of the producers, the poultry farming industry, the society at large, through “Good Manufacturing” as our basis. We aim to support the production of safe foods for the benefit of the children who will assume the next generation.
我々は世のため、人のため、 未来の子どもたちのために 技術の進歩と共に高品質な製品を 開発しています。
For the world, for those who, for the sake of our children in the future. We are developing high quality products along with the advances in technology do not forget the basics.
Hiyoko mat Development
Nationwide distribution
養鶏用輸送箱開発 特許申請
poultry transport box development, Patent fillings
輸送箱用防寒テープ P.P.特殊テープ開発
warm tape transport box, P.P.Special tape development
養鶏用断熱材 ミラフォーム開発
断熱材目地ジョイント F.T.ジョイナー開発
poultry Insulating material, Mira Form development
joint Insulating material, F.T.joint development
Chip Matt development
egg Date Seal development
Fold napkin six development
egg’s net development
えさ一番 ラフホワイト開発
Sop NO.1, Rough white development
えさ一番 エコホワイト開発
Sop NO.1, Eco-White development
Koufun paper development
レイヤー向け餌付け敷紙 ぱくぱくペーパー開発
レイヤー向け輸送箱用敷紙 ひよこマットNo.18開発
Koufun paper world patent application
Layer for Sop napkin, Pakupaku paper development
Layer for napkin of transport box, Chiyoko Matt No.18 development
Chick Mandara paper development